
Legal Notice

Access to any section of this web page, its visualization or any other kind of interaction implies the full and unconditional acceptance of the contents of this LEGAL NOTICE, which contains all the company related information according to the Spanish Law ''Ley de Servicios de la Sociedad de la Información y Comercio Electrónico'' (Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce Law) and ''Ley de Protección de Datos'' (Data Protection Law).

Company Information

This web page is property of ''Taddong S.L.'' (hereafter ''Taddong''), a Spanish company. The Company Taddong, in force and duly constituted in accordance with the legalities and formalities of the law where domiciled and registered in the Companies House of Madrid, book 27.503, page 28, section 8, sheet M-495558, inscription number 1, with VAT ID B85848844, and legal address in Vasco de Gama, 35 - C.P. 28691 Villanueva de la Cañada - Madrid - Spain.

Intellectual and Industrial Property

Unless otherwise stated, the intellectual property of all contents on this web page and the associated blog (hereafter ''this web'') belong to Taddong, including text, graphics, icons, images, structure, color combinations, logos, animations, audio and video files, presentations and the information layout, as well as any other type of content. This content is protected by intellectual and industrial laws, and its total or partial copy and distribution (except for strictly personal use), public communication, and transformation without the explicit authorization of Taddong, is strictly forbidden.

Information Provided on this Web

Taddong provides the contents on this web ''as is'' and ''subject to availability''. These contents are provided for difussion purposes only, and they don't constitute any kind of guaranty or representation of any kind. The official caracter or consideration as a proposal of any kind of these contents is specifically rejected. Taddong will not be responsible of any kind of damage, being them direct, indirect, punitive, incidental, consequential, compensatory, or of any other kind, caused by the use or access to the information contained in this web, including knowledge, methods, procedures or any other type of content. Taddong keeps the right to delete, add, or modify any content of this web without previous notice.

Scope of Application, Applicable Legislation and Jurisdiction

Taddong's web site abides and is protected by the Spanish law and international laws of intellectual and industrial property. For all matters that could be derived from the contents, comercial activities, products, and services included in this web, the Spanish legislation would be applicable, being equally competent Madrid's Court. The user, when accessing this web, expresely renounces to any other jurisdiction that could be of correspondance.

Copyright © 2011 Taddong S.L. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2011 Taddong S.L.